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save money this fall with your programmable thermostatFall is here, and each day is getting a little bit shorter than the last. You’ve probably also noticed a certain crispness in the air; the true hallmark of the season. While you’re layering up your wardrobe and enjoying pumpkin-flavored everything, you also may be tempted to crank up the heat on those chilly nights. Before you do, you should make sure you know you to properly set your thermostat to save some money on your energy bills the colder the weather gets.

5 Tips to Get the Most out of Your Programmable Thermostat

The U.S. Department of Energy reports that the average American home will spend the majority of their energy bills on heating costs. In fact, 42 percent of your home’s energy usage goes towards heat! This is why it’s so important to make sure you’re really getting the most out of your programmable thermostat to help lower some of those costs.

Ready to save some money this fall? Here are five ways to utilize your programmable thermostat to the fullest extent:

  1. Find the most comfortable setting for your family. When fall first arrives, you’ll probably want to immediately turn up the heat so your house feels warm and cozy. However, remember that it will just take a little time for your body to adjust to the cooler temperatures. The U.S. Department of Energy’s recommended setting for heat is 68 degrees. Although this might seem chilly after the long, hot summer, your family should get used to this temperature inside in no time.
  2. Turn the heat down at night. Lowering the temperature in the home by 10 to 15 degrees at night can help you save up to 15 percent on your energy bills. You’re all snuggled in under the covers anyway, and while you’re sleeping you won’t even notice the change in temperature.
  3. Set the heat lower when no one is home. Likewise, adjust your programmable thermostat settings to reduce the temperature throughout the day while you’re at work and the kids are at school. You can program it to start warming the home at least an hour before everyone returns for the day.
  4. Replace the batteries. Use the change in seasons as a reminder to install fresh batteries in your programmable thermostat. Thermostats generally don’t require any special batteries (check your manual for the specific type needed), and replacing them is as easy as popping off the faceplate and switching them out.
  5. Call in the professionals when necessary. If your programmable thermostat isn’t running properly, or you need some help installing a new one, don’t hesitate to call a professional heating and cooling company. Having a technician stop by to make sure your entire HVAC system is working properly is key to a comfortable, energy-efficient home this fall and winter.

Do you have questions about your programmable thermostat, or need some help with installation? The team at Efficient Heating and Cooling is ready to help! If you’re in the greater Cleveland area, contact our team today! Or, give us a call at 216-663-6462.